Contact Us
If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to reach out using the contact form. You can also reach us by email or phone.
0208 648 4647
Oak Tree Primary School
Mitcham Court
Cricket Green
Surrey CR4 4LB
Proprietor Contact Information
Name - Rena Begum
The proprietor is available to reach all year round. If you would like to contact the Proprietors, here are the following ways:
Postal School Address
Oak Tree Primary School
Mitcham Court
Cricket Green
Surrey CR4 4LB
Recorded Formal Complaints
There has been no formal complaint recorded
School start times:
All primary children and EY Hifdh children - 7.45 am
EY (Nursery & Reception) children - 8.25 am
School pick-up times:
EY – 3.25 pm
Year 1 and Year 2 – 3.30pm
Year 3 and Year 4 – 3.40 pm
Year 5 and Year 6 – 3.45 pm
Please inform the School Office on the number or email above before 7.45 am if your child is going to be absent with the reason for absence.
If your child is going to be late to school please inform the School Office on the number or email above before 7.45 am. If the school gate has closed by the time your child arrives then their parent/guardian will have to wait with them until 8.30 am to be allowed into school. This is so that disruption to Hifdh class is minimised.
If you are late to pick up your child at the end of the day, please also inform School Office so we can let your child and the teacher know
Please note we are a nut free school. We promote healthy eating in our school so sugary snacks/drinks, chocolates, crisps are not allowed except on Jumuah. Fridays is Jumuah so a treat day, where one treat e.g. packet of crisps is allowed, but please do not send family size packets of sweets, crisps etc.
Please do send a water bottle each day and label with your child’s name.
Homework is required to be submitted once per week, your child’s teacher will let them know which day their homework should be sent in. The homework and flip learning is available on our website. In addition all primary children have a spelling test once per week, the class teacher will inform them which day of the week.
School fees are due in advance or if paying in monthly instalments then at the latest by the 10th of each month.
One full term’s notice is required for the withdrawal of a child from school. This notice should be received by the School in writing on or before the first day of term. If such notice is not given, a term’s fees in lieu of notice will become due. We also reserve the right to withhold any deposit if this is not upheld.