Friends for Life
Curriculum Enrichment
Wherever relevant and possible, our curriculum is enriched with theme weeks, workshops, visiting speakers, special events and educational trips.
For example you would expect the following types of curriculum enrichment at Oak Tree:
Safety week with visiting speakers
Competitions: Poetry, Mathematics, and literacy
Ramadan and Eid festivities
Careers – world of work day
History week focussing on pioneering personalities
Pupils celebrating their cultural heritage by coming to school in their national dress
Anti-bullying week culminating in Odd Socks day
Trips to local museums at the end of a relevant unit of study
STEM week with visiting Scientists or Science fair
Growth Mindset week
Educational visits to universities and Residential (Year 6)
Special celebrations to which parents are invited: Early Years and Year 6 Leavers Assembly Graduation; Class assembly
School Community Engagement: Mums’ coffee mornings with SLT, Eid fair
Extra- curricular activities and clubs: see the drop-down menu