Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,
All praise goes to Allah, who has facilitated and revived the opportunity of giving life back to an institution that will raise a generation in his path!
Asalamualaikum, warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu,
Dear Parent and Carers,
We hope that this email reaches you in good health and imaan. We are pleased that you have placed great interest to transfer and enrol your child at our Islamic school from Date Valley.
Oak Tree Primary School is a federation of three London Based Islamic schools, Buttercup Primary School in East London, Evergreen Primary school in West London and our new South London branch Oak Tree! We ensure that each child in our schools develops and progresses, both academically and spiritually. Alhumdulilah it has been a rollercoaster of a journey in the last week and a half. We are proud to say that we have already made a tremendous start and are all excited for our new branch in South London to kickstart after half term on Tuesday 2nd May 2023.
At our schools we thrive in ensuring excellence throughout, as an experience both for the child and the family as a whole. Our curriculum has been carefully designed to nurture the children with Islam in a way that; Education appears as a 'natural state'.
The curriculum aims to brings enjoyment and helps to create a lifestyle for the child so that pursuing education in the years to come becomes enjoyable and meaningful. This will enable the deen of Islam and the love of the Qura'an to flourish within each child.
We hope that your child/ren will enjoy their time at Oak tree Primary school and that you our parents will have a long and rewarding partnership with the staff and senior leaders here .
I can appreciate that you may have a number of thoughts, anxieties and aspirations as your child starts school after half term with Oak Tree. We understand that the transition has been a challenging time for most parents and children. We want to remind that these times can also be a means toward increasing your reliance on Allah swt. We are reminded in the Qura’an to place our trust in him as Allah tells us ;"Surely, Allah loves those who place their trust in Him"(Surah Ali-’Imran, 3:159)
I can as the executive Headteacher only assure you that the staff and leaders of our schools strive to achieve increasingly high standards in all aspects of school life. All members of staff and leaders are committed to providing the very best education for your child and all other pupils in our care.
Throughout the planning, opening and on-going development of Oak Tree Primary School, staff and leaders have made a real commitment to fostering a strong, positive, and effective partnership with our parents, with ‘children being at the heart of all we do’.
Our inclusion team ensures every child is met with a challenge that will encourage them to flourish both academically and in their personal social and emotional development. We have a Gifted and talented officer and a SENCO who will work closely together with the teachers when required.
We will be holding an information meeting on Thursday 30th March 2023 at 9am.
The purpose of this meeting is to provide you with some key information and remind you some dates about the organisation of our school, the curriculum we provide, and some of the ways we can work together in partnership. With your support, we are confident that we can achieve our vision, values, and goals: to be the best that we can be and inspire all children to become lifelong learners.
We look forward to hearing from you soon .
I ask you all to please continue to make dua for us.
Wasalam warahma,
Yours sincerely,
Ms Zara Rahman
Executive Head teacher
Oak Tree Primary School