September Newsletter 1
Asalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barikatuhu
Dear parents and carers,
We pray you are in good health and imaan. A very warm welcome back to you all, especially to our new children in the school! As always, the children have returned with great enthusiasm for what we hope will be a very successful term and year for them In Sha Allah!
We must achieve a high attendance percentage this year so that our children achieve the best possible outcomes. Past recorded assessment results have shown that children whose attendance was not good were not able to achieve their full potential. Please make every effort to ensure your child is attending school daily. Please try to make any appointments outside of school time.
Let us remind you that school starts at:
7.45am for all children, EY Hifdh children and 8.25 for EY children.
Hifdh in Oak Tree is an important part of the school day. The children learn various surahs and duahs, salawat and recitation of parts of the Qur’an. The value of the week is introduced and each day the importance of the value is shared with the children.
If your child is going to be absent or late, please make sure you ring the school office in the morning to notify us by 7.40 am.
Home time
Please pick up your child/ren at the allocated times.
Nursery/Reception: 3.25pm
Year 1 and Year 2: 3.30pm
Year 3 and 4: 3.40pm
Year 5 and 6: 3.45pm
After school clubs
After school clubs will be starting soon. The date will be confirmed in due time in sha Allah. The clubs will run from 4.00-4.30pm every day except for Thursday as we have our staff meeting on that day. The cost for attending any club is £3.00 per child. Please pay for any clubs in the morning to the office. You must ensure to pick up your child/ren on time.
99 names of Allah assembly
Every week, each class is given one of the 99 names of Allah to present in our whole assembly. The children will learn the meaning of the name and learn about the attributes of the beautiful name. They present role plays and explain ways in which we can implement these beautiful attributes in our own lives. This week the name Al- Halim (The forbearing) was presented. We look forward to learning many more names of Allah and the beautiful meanings behind them.
Please make sure your child comes to school wearing the correct full school uniform. Black shoes must always be worn. Head scarves should be white. Please help us by writing your child’s name on all items of clothing so they are easily identified. Some people will still be awaiting the full uniform items. Rest assured that we are aware of this delay and will allow the children time to receive their full uniform.
Early Years request
Parents of Early Years children are required to provide extra clothing for their children in a separate bag labelled with their child’s name.
Break time snacks
Children are only allowed to have water or fresh fruit at break time. Please do not give your child/ren other foods to eat. Reminder, we are a nut free school.
Packed lunches
Packed lunches provided must be healthy. Please do not give your child Nutella in their sandwich. As a treat, on Friday, as it is Jummah day, the children can bring a small treat like crisps or a small chocolate bar in their packed lunch. Please support the school to encourage healthy eating.
PE kits
PE days for each class. PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOUR CHILD WEARS THEIR PE KIT TO SCHOOL ON THE DAY THEY HAVE PE. PE uniform consists of black jogging bottoms/leggings, white T-shirt and trainers. The children can wear their school jumper or cardigan with their PE kit.
Year 1 and 2- Monday
Year 3 and 4- Friday
Year 5 and 6- Tuesday
PE lessons will start from the week beginning 11th September.
Year group parent meetings
You are invited to attend your child’s year group parents meeting on the dates below. These sessions provide an opportunity for parents to be informed about what is happening and planned for the year group their child is in. Also, important information will be shared on ways you can support your child/ren. We hope you will take the time to attend this important meeting.
Monday 18th September 8.20am in the main hall for Year 5 and 6 parents.
Tuesday 19th September 8.20am in the main hall for Year 3 and 4 parents.
Wednesday 20th September 8.20am in the main hall for Year 1 and 2 parents.
Thursday 21st September 8.20am in the main hall for EY parents.
Friday dress code
On Friday as it Jummah day, children can wear either the school uniform or choose to wear a thoub for boys or abaya for girls. Please ensure that the abayas are not touching the floor as this is a safety hazard. No other clothing is allowed on Fridays.
Thank you for your continued support.
Senior Management